2023 Welcome

BHBL Summer Recreation is almost here!   We have a large number of kids this year!  We’ve hired extra assistant directors, extra counselors and even a few more lifeguards.  Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Summer Recreation starts TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2023.  Please read the information below carefully.  Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. ([email protected])

Location:  Charlton Heights Elementary School

Dates:  Tuesday, June 27, 2023- Friday, July 21, 2023 (we will be closed July 4th due to school being closed for 4th of July observance)

Time:  8:30am-2:30 pm

Website:  NEW (please bookmark and check daily and weekly!  https://bhblsummerrec.com/

Facebook Page: facebook.com/BHBLSummerRec

Email address:  [email protected]

Phone Number:  518-598-7018 (director’s cell phone)

  *Feel free to leave a text, but please identify yourself.   

What to bring:  

Campers should wear comfortable clothes and shoes (I would suggest sneakers).   Students should bring a bagged lunch (labeled) as well as items needed to swim (bathing suit, towel, goggles).   Students may bring something to play with (the recreation program will not replace if broken or lost), a book, cards, etc.   We strongly discourage electronics.   Campers may choose to bring money for the camp store and/or may have a permission slip for an upcoming field trip.  

Pick up/Drop off:  
If you are dropping your child off on a daily basis, please use the side parking lot of Charlton Heights.  The doors will open at approximately 8:15am.  There will be counselors outside to greet kids.   My office door (it’s actually my classroom) will be open if you need to stop in for anything. If you are walking your child in, please park in the lot so you are not holding up the drop off line.   Early drop off, for those who purchased this option,  starts at 7:30am.  

1.  Buses will leave the bus garage daily at 7:45 am.  Please have children outside waiting for the bus by 7:50 on the first day.  This will give you the best indication of when the bus will arrive.  Once a time is established that first week, it will remain consistent for the remainder of the Recreation season.  

  1. The approximate length of each bus run is 40 minutes.  Our goal is to have all children at Charlton Heights by 8:30 am and dropped off by 3:15 pm each day.  
  1. The bus pick up and drop off will run the same way.  (Example:  Bus stop 1A will be the first stop picked up in the morning and the first drop off spot each afternoon)

They should remain fairly consistent after that.   If you have any questions, please ask the bus driver.  They are both wonderful people who will answer any questions you might have.  Buses will leave Charlton Heights at 2:30 pm to bring children to bus stops throughout the community.  Students will be dropped off at their assigned stops shortly afterwards.   Please be at the bus stops by 2:40pm.   Children WILL NOT be dropped off unless an adult is there to greet them OR a WRITTEN plan is in place with the director.  In cases like this, the children will be brought back to Charlton Heights.   

IMPORTANT WEBSITE LINK https://bhblsummerrec.com/attendance

Early Pick-Up: (NEW)

If you are picking your child up early, it is always helpful that we know ahead of time.   Please use our website and complete the attendance form.  Please come see one of the directors in the office and we will get your child so you can be on your way.  

Attendance:  (NEW)
We will take attendance every day between 8:30-8:45 am.  If  your child is going to be absent or late, please complete the attendance located on our website.  If the form is not completed and your child is not present at Summer Rec, we will call to confirm his or her absenteeism.  

Behavior Expectations:  
Summer Rec is a time for laughing, fun, and activities.  It is, however, a time to be respectful to the staff, as well as to other children in the program, Charlton Heights and the property of teachers who are graciously allowing us to use their classroom.   Students who make poor choices will receive consequences and parents/guardians will be notified.   For more information on expectations, please reference the parent handbook on our website.  

Field trips:  (NEW)
Schedules for field trips and activities will be posted the week prior.   This year parents will sign up for field trips and activities online.  You will be able to pay for them as well.  Field trips and activities have an additional cost and have deadlines to register.  Because of the large number of campers and the limited space on buses, there will be a “cap” in the number of children we can take.  I need to know how many children we are taking so we can staff properly and inform the businesses we are visiting.  

 **The field trip registration form will be updated weekly in advance of the planned activities.  Registrations will be accepted on a first come first serve basis**


Registration Link: https://bhblsummerrec.com/activities/


Please make sure children bring their bathing suits, towels, and have dry clothes to change into.  There is a certified pool director on site, as well as trained lifeguards.   Kids in grades 1-3 will have swim lessons, as well as some free time to swim.  Kids in grades 4-6 will have free swim time.  In addition, the director will organize activities/themes for the children to participate in.  This year, we are using the pool at The Charlton School due to the high school being closed.  Because the pool is smaller, student will not swim every day.   

Camp Store:

Campers have the option to purchase items at the Summer Rec store.   There will be drinks (water, vitamin water, Gatorade), assorted candy, granola bars, brownies, and freeze pops to name a few.  This year we will offer hotdogs ($2.00)  on a daily basis for kids to each as well.   Items are reasonably priced.   Students can “bank” money at the store. You can add money to your child’s bank account on our website or by sending money in an envelope with your child’s first and last name on it.   Each time they purchase an item, the cost will be deducted from their account.  Students may also “buy as they go.”  We will also have “Pizza Thursdays.”   Each Thursday morning, we will take an order for pizza.   Students will get two slices of pizza and a drink for $6.00.    You can add funds to your child’s bank account by visiting our site here: https://bhblsummerrec.com/camp-banking/

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.      

I hope you and your child find the program a fun alternative to “sitting home and being bored.”   

The staff and I appreciate you trusting us with your child.